There is such a chip Max 7219, which is a seven-segment indicator controller. It not only allows to control eight such indicators, but also allows cascading connection with the same controllers, which allows to arbitrarily increase the bit capacity. [more...]
Never hurts to have the database, let’s try to store data about temperature measurements. Let’s see if we can use influxdb on Raspberry Pi. [more...]
1-wire - is a system of communication between devices, developed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp, which provides low-speed data exchange and power by a single wire. A distinctive feature of this bus is the ability to use only two wires: data and ground. To achieve this, the device includes a 800pF capacitor for storing power and powering the device when using the data line. Let’s look at one of these things that I found at hand: DS18B20. [more...]
So, let’s see how GPIO works on the input. Approximately one can imagine GPIO (input) as: Do not pay attention to the diodes, they still will not save. Resistor R1 can be connected as pull-up or pull-down or not at all, by the way, its resistance is quite approximately, it lies in the range of . [more...]
Last time we got a garland of four LEDs to turn on and off wonderfully. Let’s try to use the hardware PWM that Raspberry Pi has. Of course, there is nothing to prevent the implementation of PWM in software, but I prefer to use the hardware in the first place - it was also paid for