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Yellow Rabbit Blog

Trilobit Game in Lisp: Simple Macros

Trilobit Game in Lisp: Simple Macros

Generally speaking, you can write in Lisp and still not be aware of macros. This is a dark art and it’s hard to master, but simple things can be tried. [more...]

Trilobit Game in Lisp: New heuristics

Trilobit Game in Lisp: New heuristics

The computer plays worse of its colleague from the 11th hour. It is necessary to do something with it. Let’s try other heuristics for the computer player. [more...]

Trilobite Game in Lisp: Minor Improvements

Trilobite Game in Lisp: Minor Improvements

Although I lose to AI, it can not defeat the monster from the 11th hour game :frowning: And, until I have ideas for improving his work, I’ll do the decorations. To begin with, we will simplify the construction of templates for checking neighboring cells, and at the same time we will make it memoized. [more...]

Trilobit Game in Lisp: Improve AI

Trilobit Game in Lisp: Improve AI

So the enemy already plays better than me, but this is not an achievement, I’m all overplayed. We will improve the artificial mind. [more...]

Trilobit Game in Lisp: Lazy Calculations

Trilobit Game in Lisp: Lazy Calculations

Program decently plays on a tiny board, it’s time to think about increasing the playing field. Since with a simple increase in the size of the board, memory quickly ends, you have to cheat: create in memory only those pieces of tree of combinations that are really needed. Here it should be noted that, without having the opportunity to analyze the whole tree of combinations, AI will have to think better. [more...]