Last time, when the LED so delightfully shone, we completely lost sight of the need to somehow regulate the current on the GPIO, since 8mA, which set by default, a bit different from the desired 4mA.
To begin with, the current is regulated1 not for a single GPIO, but for all at once (in fact, for three groups of contacts, but on Raspberry Pi 3b, which I have, such a group is only one - with the number 0).
When I tackled the current-regulation problem, I found that these functions are missing in the jpigpio library, so I had to add them. I made a PR, but until it is accepted into the main repository, you can use my.
Read the current drive strength settings and change, if necessary:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// dirty hack: need to point java.library.path to the location of
println("Kotlin Raspberry Pi gentoo64")
println("You must see a blinking universe :)")
try {
// Init lib
val pigpio = Pigpio()
// Mode output
pigpio.gpioSetMode(LED_PIN, PI_OUTPUT)
// Check drive strength on GPIO
val strength = pigpio.gpioGetPad(0)
println("Current drive strength:${strength}mA")
if (strength != CURRENT) {
pigpio.gpioSetPad(0, CURRENT)
val newStrength = pigpio.gpioGetPad(0)
println("New drive strength:${newStrength}mA")
repeat(3) {
// ON
pigpio.gpioWrite(LED_PIN, PI_HIGH)
pigpio.gpioDelay(500 * 1000)
// OFF
pigpio.gpioWrite(LED_PIN, PI_LOW)
pigpio.gpioDelay(500 * 1000)
} catch(e: PigpioException) {
pigpio.gpioSetMode(LED_PIN, PI_INPUT)
const val LED_PIN = 26 // GPIO26
const val CURRENT = 4 // 4mA
How it worked:
Once again, I repeat that setting the GPIO current to 4mA does not mean that the current will be limited by this value. It just ensures that at a current of 4mA the logical levels will be clearly different. ↩