The backlight adjustment keys on the Acer C720 keyboard are disguised F6 and F7 keys. Accordingly, when you change ChromeOS to DragoFly BSD, the backlight adjustment does not work. Also one can’t use xbacklight - it does not find video outputs with the ability to adjust the backlight. Xrandr can help, but it’s a software solution, something like dim the output pixels. It’s clear that it not will prolong the life of the battery in any way. [more...]
The Acer C720 does not have the designated F1-10 function keys, instead the corresponding keys are marked with different icons. For example F8 is designated as “mute”, F9 - “decrease the volume”, F10 - “increase the volume”. That’s how these keys work under ChromeOS. In order to partially repeat this functionality, we’ll use xbindkeys. [more...]
The keyboard of the Chromebook Acer C720 is probably good for walks on the network and work in the Chrome OS, but I do not have enough keys to write the programs. These are Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Insert and Delete. You can try using the Alt key (generates the Alt character) as a modifier for the cursor keys. Then the following keyboard combinations are obtained: [more...]